Dogs help you stop stressing out. …

  • Dogs help you stop stressing out. …


How Pets Lower Stress

  • Dogs help you stop stressing out. Research shows that, unless you’re someone who really dislikes animals or is absolutely too busy to care for one properly, pets can provide excellent social support, stress relief, and other health benefits—perhaps more than people.1

During the COVID-19 pandemic, these effects took on an even greater importance as people became more isolated from others. “I think those of us with pets were the lucky ones,” Stregowski says.

She adds that when the world changed and many found themselves with a lot more time at home, it benefited both humans and animals alike. “People had more time to provide exercise, play, and training, all of which help reinforce the human-animal bond,” she says. The added time together was good for us—and good for our pets.

The following are more health benefits of pets

Read More:Dogs make us happier

Improve Mood

For those who love animals, it’s virtually impossible to stay in a bad mood when a pair of loving puppy eyes meets yours, or when a super-soft cat rubs up against your hand. In addition to the social support, stress relief, and general health benefits pets can bring, research supports the mood-enhancing benefits of pets. A 2017 study found that those with AIDS were less likely to suffer from depression if they owned a pet.2


Any pet can improve your health

While it’s true that people with pets often experience greater health benefits than those without, a pet doesn’t necessarily have to be a dog or a cat. A rabbit could be ideal if you’re allergic to other animals or have limited space but still want a furry friend to snuggle with. Birds can encourage social interaction and help keep your mind sharp if you’re an older adult. Snakes, lizards, and other reptiles can make for exotic companions. Even watching fish in an aquarium can help reduce muscle tension and lower your pulse rate.


De-Stressing With A Therapy Dog Is Beneficial to Body, Mind, Mood

Once a student signed up and was determined eligible, they were able to attend one of several therapy dog sessions that took place on the University of British Columbia campus over the course of a semester. The university partnered with Vancouver ecoVillage, who provided between seven and 12 therapy dogs and their handlers for each session. The dogs were from all different breeds who had been trained and had a history of obedience and friendly interactions with strangers.


Lower blood pressure.

The cortisol-lowering and oxytocin-boosting benefits of petting also help keep your blood pressure at bay. “Petting and holding an animal allows you to appreciate the beauty of nature,” explains Barron. “It’s relaxing and transcendental.”

Increase physical activity.

How many people are willing to go outside at the crack of dawn and exercise in the rain or snow? Dog owners often have no choice—they have to walk their pet, thus providing them with an excuse-proof daily dose of exercise.


Historical support

About 43 million American households have dogs and about 36 million households have cats, according to the 2012 U.S. Pet Ownership & Demographics Sourcebook, a publication of the American Veterinary Medical Association.

As for staying healthy in general, it’s no surprise that having a dog can help you stay more active. One study involving more than 2,000 adults found that dog owners who regularly walked their dogs were more physically active and less likely to be obese than those who didn’t own or walk a

The authors do not conclude that owning a dog by itself assures protection against cardiovascular disease. Instead, the physical activity that dog ownership requires may be the key.

Other factors may play a role as well. “Owning a dog increases the sense of well-being in general, decreases loneliness and decreases rates of depression,” said the senior author, Dr. Francisco Lopez-Jimenez, a cardiologist at the Mayo Clinic. “All these factors also relate to cardiovascular health.”